How do I issue a free SSL certificate for my website?


We provide free [Lets Encrypt] SSL certificates for all customers using cPanel & WHM.


These certificates can be quickly and easily installed on any website that is live with us. This system is known as AutoSSL.



To issue a free SSL certificate certain conditions must be met. This is because the SSL certificate must be validated by Lets Encrypt.


At least one of the following conditions must be met:


  • The site must be live with us (i.e. DNS points to your server with us).
  • The site's DNS must be hosted with us.


Either of these conditions must be met to allow certificate validation - it doesn't matter which.


Step 1 - Installing a certificate from cPanel

To do this, you simply log into cPanel and click on SSL/TLS Status under the Security section:



From there, you'll see a list of domains with their AutoSSL status.


Simply click Run AutoSSL to start the process. You may need to allow 5-10 minutes for it to complete.



Step 2 - Installing a certificate from WHM

Login to your WHM, locate the SSL/TLS section and click on Manage AutoSSL.


Select the Manage Users tab, and click enable AutoSSL for the domain user you wish to install the SSL for.


Click Check (your domain user). 



Now go to the Logs section and you can view SSL installation logs.  Here you can confirm if the SSL has been installed correctly.


My Cert didn't issue, why not?

Sometimes AutoSSL is unable to validate a certificate. Usually, the SSL status page will indicate why. Common causes include:


  • If you've moved from another host you might have a AAAA (Ipv6) DNS record still present, and Let's Encrypt is trying to validate by connecting to that. You should check for this and remove it if needed.
  • If you've not yet moved your site to us, or made it live yet, cert validation may fail if you're using external DNS.
  • If your site's disk quota has exceeded, AutoSSL will not be able to validate.


Need further assistance?

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the ProStack team and we can help get this resolved for you! [Get in touch today!]




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