This article will briefly explain the difference between a paid SSL Certificate and the free Let's Encrypt certificate.
What is an SSL Certificate?
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate binds information transmitted online with a cryptographic key. This enables users to connect securely to your website and any data transferred is encrypted.
When an SSL certificate has been installed on your site, the web address will show the "https" protocol, and a padlock sign will be visible, informing the viewers to your site that your website is secure and safe to provide and disclose any valuable information.
Certificate chain of Trust:
Root Certificate (The root CA certificate's private key signs the intermediate certificate).
Intermediate Certificate (The intermediate CA certificate's private key signs the server certificate).
(SSL/TLS) Certificate
Why do I need an SSL Certificate?
An SSL Certificate is highly important for your website as it provides benefits for the following:
Better Security - Enabling an SSL to your website provides a safer connection as all the information during data transfer is encrypted.
Building your brand - It provides trust and credibility.
Higher SEO rankings - Having an SSL certificate can impact your position on the Search Engine Result Pages.
More Traffic and Sales - Enabling an SSL provides the purchase process safe and secure for your customers.
What is a free SSL Let's Encrypt Certificate?
Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority, run for the public's benefit.
Let's Encrypt was designed to give people the digital certificates they need in order to enable HTTPS for websites, for free and in a user-friendly way. For information on how to get this setup, follow this guide here: How do I issue a free SSL certificate for my website? - Knowledgebase - Prostack
Which paid SSL Certificates do ProStack offer?
We provide the following SSL Certificates:
RapidSSL Single Domain SSL
(Standard domain validated SSL providing 128/256bit encryption - Ideal for small/mid-sized e-commerce site or a perfect way to safely secure something like a customer login form.)
RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate
(The RapidSSL Wildcard certificate is an ideal solution for entry-level websites that need to protect one main domain (both www and non-www) along with their subdomains (i.e,, etc.)
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium SAN
(This Certificate is best suited for small-to-medium business owners who want to secure one main domain and up to 4 additional single-level subdomains.)
Thawte Extended Validation SSL
(For the ultimate website security and trust, these certificates come with a green address bar. Additionally, you will get the benefit of the Thawte Site Seal displayed on your site. These certificates are highly recommended for larger corporations, traffic-heavy e-commerce sites.)
For prices visit our site here: [Shopping Cart - Prostack]
What is the difference between a paid SSL and the free Let's Encrypt Certificate?
Free SSL | Paid SSL |
Domain Validation only |
Domain Validation Organisation Validation Extended Validation |
30-90 Days Validity Period | 1-year Validity Period |
No Trust Site Seal | Trust Site Seal |
No warranty in case miss-issuance | Warranty covers in case miss-issuance |
Recommended for testing environment, personal, blog, forum etc. | Recommended for online businesses of all sizes, where transactions are involved. |
Need further assistance?
If you require further information regarding the difference between the Paid and free SSL Certificates, please contact the ProStack team and we can help get this resolved for you! [Get in touch today!]